Saturday, 3 February 2018

January 2018 Reading Wrap Up

I can't believe January is over already! I'm very happy with my reading in January.  I read 7 books and I started the year off with reading a book that I'm sure will make it into my favourites list for this year.

Spellbook of the Lost and Found by Moïra Fowley-Doyle - 5/5 STARS
I loved this book! The writing, characters and story were all fantastic.  Spellbook of the Lost and Found is centred on a mysterious spellbook and how it affects the large cast of characters within this book.  I would really recommend reading this book and I'll be posting my full review of it here in the next few days.

Giant Days vol 2 by John Allison and Lissa Treiman - 3/5 STARS
I like the characters and the artwork of this series but I felt this volume wasn't as strong or exciting as the first volume.

Strange the Dreamer (Strange the Dreamer book 1) by Laini Taylor - 4/5 STARS
I liked this book and I liked how interesting and unique the story was.  The storytelling felt so rich and vivid. 

Dreamin' Sun vol 1 by Ichigo Takano - 4/5 STARS
I enjoyed this manga volume and I thought it was a nice, fun read.  

Dreamin' Sun vol 2 by Ichigo Takano - 3/5 STARS
I didn't enjoy this volume as much as the first because I felt most of the volume was about the main character pining after one of the guys in the series.  I expected there to be a bit more to the story than that.

The Loneliest Girl in the Universe by Lauren James - 2/5 STARS
The premise of this book was really interesting and the second half of the book was thrilling to read but during the book and even after finishing the book I found it hard to see the motivations behind everything that went on.  I felt there was no reason for most of what happened and therefore I didn't feel as connected to the book.

Fire Touched (Mercy Thompson book 9) by Patricia Briggs - 4/5 STARS
I haven't read a Mercy book in so long and it felt great to be sucked right back into the world.  I enjoyed this book and it had all the excitement and adventure a Mercy Thompson book usually has.

What books did you read in January?        



  1. I actually enjoyed 'the loneliest girl in the universe', the second part of the books surprised me a bit but I thought it was good. so maybe the revenge reasons is a bit lame but it really doesn't take much for people to want revenge.

    I didn't read the others on your list but 'spellbook of the lost and found' might be a book I would read, will check it out.

    have a lovely day.

    1. Spellbook of the Lost and Found is a great book, I hope you like it if you do decide to check it out. :)
