Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is: Bookish Worlds I'd Want to/ Never Want to Live In. I've picked three bookish worlds I would want to live in and three worlds I wouldn't want to live in.
I WOULD Want to Live In:
Warcross by Marie Lu - I was torn between putting this or Ready Player One on this list. I chose Warcross because the virtual reality has a more modern feel to it, and I really liked the VR in it.
The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare - I really like the Shadowhunter world that Cassandra Clare has established and I think it'd be great to be a shadowhunter.
Harry Potter by J.K Rowling - How can this list be complete without Harry Potter? I think everyone, no matter what age, has probably imagined themselves living like a Hogwarts student.
I WOULD NEVER Want to Live In:
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins - An obvious pick for this topic because, seriously, who would want to live in this world?
Unwind by Neal Shusterman - A world where teenagers get harvested for their body parts is a very scary world. It really chills me to imagine living in this world.
The Passage by Justin Cronin - A post apocalyptic series where humanity is on the brink of extinction because of a deadly virus that turned people into these rabid vampire things. This would be another scary world to live in.
What book world would you want to live in? Or what one would you never want to live in?