Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Top Ten Tuesday- Hyped Books I Didn't Like

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is: Unpopular Book Opinions.  For this week's topic I decided to list some hyped books I disliked.  I know a lot of these books are beloved by many people so just a reminder that these are my own personal opinions. 

Hyped Books I Didn't Like:

Shadow of the Fox by Julie Kagawa
I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson
The Wrath and the Dawn by Renée Ahdieh

Vengeful (Villains book 2) by V.E. Schwab
The Wicked King (The Folk of the Air book 2) by Holly Black
Crooked Kingdom (Six of Crows book 2) by Leigh Bardugo

What are some hyped books that disappointed you?


  1. I loved a lot of the books on your list. xD Funny how tastes differ. I do feel like overhyped books tend to let me down, though. I wasn't super fond of Children of Blood and Bone and felt it didn't deserve nearly as much hype as it got. Wasn't a fan of Aru Shah, either, and a lot of people seemed to love it. Great list!

    Here's my TTT post.

    1. I didn't like Children of Blood and Bone either, I ended up DNFing it!

  2. I wasn't a big fan of Crooked Kingdom either.

    My TTT.

    1. So many people love the duology but I prefer the Shadow and Bone trilogy!

  3. Crooked Kingdom kind of disappointed me too!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2019/06/11/top-ten-tuesday-215/

    1. I don't really get the hype surrounding the duology!

  4. I really wasn't a fan of The Wrath and the Dawn either, but for some reason I still read the next book, and I liked it a LOT more. I did love I'll Give You the Sun, though.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I've heard hardly anyone say bad things about I'll Give You the Sun which makes me think it was just me!
