Friday, 12 October 2018

Friday Excerpts: A Big Ship at the Edge of the Universe by Alex White

Today I'll be sharing some book excerpts with these bookish features:
➢ Book Beginnings is a weekly feature (hosted by Rose City Reader) where you post the first sentence of the book you're currently reading. 
➢ The Friday 56 is a weekly feature (hosted by Freda's Voice) where you get a book and turn to page 56 (or 56% on ereader) then post a interesting sentence from that page with no spoilers. 

A Big Ship at the Edge of the Universe (The Salvagers book 1) by Alex White

Boots Elsworth was a famous treasure hunter in another life, but now she’s washed up. She makes her meager living faking salvage legends and selling them to the highest bidder, but this time she might have stumbled on something real–the story of the Harrow, a famous warship, capable of untold destruction. 
Nilah Brio is the top driver in the Pan Galactic Racing Federation and the darling of the racing world–until she witnesses the murder of a fellow racer. Framed for the murder and on the hunt to clear her name, Nilah only has one lead: the killer also hunts a woman named Boots. 
On the wrong side of the law, the two women board a smuggler’s ship that will take them on a quest for fame, for riches, and for justice.

The straight opened before the two race cars: an oily river, speckled yellow by the evening sun.  They shot down the tarmac in succession like sapphire fish, streamers of wild magic billowing from their exhausts. 

Friday 56 (between 5% and 6% on my ereader):
It had been cold-blooded to sell them the map- even Boots had to admit that.

My Thoughts:
I'm around halfway through this book and enjoying it a lot.  It's such an exciting action packed story with a lot of interesting characters.

Have you read A Big Ship at the Edge of the Universe? 
What are your thoughts on the quotes from it? 


  1. This one sounds good. Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “AN ANONYMOUS GIRL”

  2. Sounds good. The excerpts made me curious. This week I am featuring A Murder By Any Name by Suzanne M. Wolfe from my review stack. Happy reading!

  3. Wow, that first bit is incredible. If the rest of the book lives up to the intensity of those words, I bet it is action packed!

  4. This is such a fantastic sounding book. The cover and your snippets have me intrigued. Thank you so much for sharing it. :)

  5. What a great way to describe a race. I was pulled right in with that beginning! Happy weekend!

  6. Sounds interesting. I'm glad you are enjoying it. See what book MK French is featuring at Girl Who Reads

  7. Replies
    1. If you like action packed books set in space then I would really recommend it!
